As a husband, father, and business owner whose family has called Lee County home for more than 100 years, I understand this community and am ready to put my conservative principles and leadership experience to work to protect and prepare it for generations to come. 



David Mulicka’s roots run deep here in Southwest Florida, and he is blessed to be raising his family in the community that raised him. To David, the future of Lee County is personal- it is critical to his children, grandchildren, and for generations to come. Between his commitment to this community and the inspiration of his family, he is running for the Lee County Commission to put his conservative principles and 20+ years of business ownership experience to work for the taxpayers and residents of this community. His business experience coupled with his lifelong connection with Lee County has prepared him well for the opportunity to serve as your County Commissioner.  David is committed to protecting individual liberties, supporting small businesses, and improving our waterways so that future generations can experience the same Lee County we all know and love. 

David’s Priorities: 

Lower Taxes

As a fiscal conservative, family man, and business owner David understands how taxes affect all aspects of our lives – from our personal budgets at home to the ability to create jobs in the marketplace. David will fight for less government spending and lower taxes.  

Hurricane Recovery

As Lee County continues to recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Ian, rebuilding the most affected areas will be a top priority for David. He will work to remove any governmental roadblocks that impede our recovery efforts. 

Preserve Our Environment
& Water Quality

David is an avid angler and outdoorsman who understands that our waterways and natural resources are deeply engrained in our community’s economy and way of life. He will focus on solutions to restore and preserve our water quality by coordinating with state and federal agencies and officials to ensure we are making every effort to protect our estuaries and waterways. Our environment is not just a source of natural beauty, but it is also the lifeblood of Southwest Florida’s economy, and David will fight for its protection.  

Improve Infrastructure
to Reduce Traffic

As Lee County continues to grow, we must address the needs of our rising population and the demand this puts on our infrastructure. David will prioritize upgrades to our roads to alleviate traffic congestion, and enhancements to our infrastructure to meet the needs of our growing community. He is committed to developing a long-term plan to tackle our traffic issues, so we are planning ahead, rather than playing catch up when we build and expand our roadways.  

Cut Government Red Tape

David has seen firsthand how businesses thrive when the free market allows them to compete. As a limited government conservative, he will focus on minimizing county regulations while streamlining regulatory practices. He will fight to keep the heavy hand of government at bay to allow the market to flourish.  

Protect Businesses & Jobs

David is a business owner who understands how government can affect a business’s ability to earn a profit and create jobs. He also saw how Lee County prospered by not shackling businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic. David is proud to live in the free state of Florida and will protect our businesses in the event of any future emergencies.  

Support Law Enforcement
& First Responders

David believes the most important role of local government is public safety. As anti-law enforcement rhetoric from radical liberals increases nationwide, we have seen the devastating consequences this has had on communities. David will proudly stand with the brave men and women who put their lives on the line daily. He knows that supporting our law enforcement and first responders is crucial to ensuring a safe community. 

Promote Tourism
& Economic Development

Tourism has been the bedrock of our economy for decades. David will fight to protect Lee County as a world-class destination for travelers from across the globe. However, David also understands that a diversified economy is a stable economy. He will work to attract new industries to Lee County that will create high-paying jobs for generations to come.  

Advocate for Attainable Housing

The demand for housing only increases in Lee County as we continue to grow in population, which drives prices higher making it difficult for working-class families to achieve the American dream of home ownership. David will work for common sense and free market solutions to encourage more residential inventory and create affordable housing prices for our teachers, nurses, construction workers, and many other hardworking citizens of Lee County. 

Support David 

Your support is critical to our success. To ensure victory we need the resources to share our conservative message and platform with voters across Lee County. I would be honored to have your support, prayers, and financial contributions. You may donate via credit card by clicking the Donate button below to donate with credit card online or checks can be made out to the David Mulicka Campaign and mailed to: 1375 Jackson St., Ste 202, Ft. Myers FL 33901

Thank you again for your support. Together we will ensure Lee County remains the best place in the world to visit, live, work, raise a family, run a business, and retire.  

Mail Donation Checks To:

David Mulicka Campaign
1375 Jackson St., Ste 202 
Ft Myers FL 33901

Donate with a Credit Card Online


Contributions can be made to: David Mulicka’s Campaign 

Mailing Address: 1375 Jackson St. Suite 202. Ft Myers, FL 33901 

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